Holinstat Lab


Our lab focuses on understanding the complex signaling mechanisms which regulate hemostasis and thrombosis. The work in the lab focuses on four primary areas of platelet research spanning from a basic science and drug discovery program; to clinical and translational projects. For example, clinical trials focused on platelet function in type 2 diabetes mellitus, clinical studies on racial disparity in platelet activation and thrombotic risk, identification of novel bioactive lipids in the platelet, and development of first-in-human inhibitors for the prevention of thrombosis and stroke. Read more about our lab's research projects here!

Some of the Holinstat lab members at the 2022 Midwest Platelet Conference!

Please visit our Platelet Physiology and Pharmacology Core for more information about our core services, equipment and training.

The Holinstat Lab is accepting pre and postdoctoral applications. If interested, please email Dr. Holinstat (mholinst@med.umich.edu) with your resume/CV and a brief explanation as to why you would like to join our lab!